Sunday, September 18, 2011

Where Do Babies Come From?

Sex education...

Hhhmmm... It certainly is not the kind of topic that we normally discuss at our dinner table or on our way to school, is it? Our culture has put us in a position where discussing sex with our children can make us a terrible liar, a lame story teller, or even temporary deaf.

As for me, I'm not the type of mom who dodge questions so I always try my best to answer Nick's questions, that may range from 'why does water turn to ice when it's cold?' to 'why does God make earthquakes?'. For me, questions about God are scarier and trickier than questions about sex. So, when the time came for me to answer questions about the birds and the bees, I felt prepared. Little did I know that not all my answers can give the result that I'm hoping for.

Like other kids, Nick became curious about where babies came from so I told him all the facts about reproductive system. We read a book about human reproductive system together and we learnt that men produced sperms and women produced eggs. There were no leaves unturned about what would happen when sperms met the egg. At the end of our reading session, he seemed so happy and satisfied and I couldn't help feeling proud of myself for being able to take my responsibility in this matter.

Trust me, it was not hard!

Then, the result of our reading session came to light when one night, Nick said, "Come on, Mom, make your egg hatch! I want to have a baby brother or sister." I was confused by what he was saying so I asked him what he meant. Then, very confidently, he said, "If you want to have a baby in your tummy, the tadpole thingy have to hatch from your egg, right? Then they will race to your heart and the winner will then go to your egg and becomes a baby. So you will have to hatch your egg soon. I can't wait to have a baby brother or baby sister, Mom."

It was then that I realized that this matter was far from over. My next homework: How do the sperms meet the egg?

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